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Monday, October 13, 2008

From the Lost Seafarer...

Ahoy, me landlubbers!!I be back from plunderin' and pillagin' the high seas and I be bringin back tales fo all ye whippersnappers to be tellin' ye folks! So draw close while I be openin me Rum and be pourin me a heartful, for the night be young!

As the moon riseth high
And the shores be nearin'
Such be the night
When the Pirates be steerin'!

Yes, I thought of trying out a bit of pirate speak. I hit Delhi yesterday and life has moved back to the same ol'. The trip back home has given me a few pointers, which I shall now state. You are in India when:

  • your train is 13 hours late when going to your hometown(Jamshedpur in this case).
  • it is 7 hours late when you are on your way back(Good ol' Delhi).
  • the auto guy asks you to pay 250 bucks from the Railway Station to your residence(Kalkaji).
  • Last, but definitely not the least, the pantry doesnt bring in food because the cooks did not get on the train from Kanpur!!(WTF!!?!)
Besides these minor setbacks, the trip in itself was okayish. I, for once, did not have anything to read on the train and kept itching to throw out "3 mistakes of my life" which was being read by a teeny school hopper in the seat in front. I noticed that I havent written in a while and I shall get back to it as soon as I can. Your dose of strange fiction shall be delivered shortly. Just be a while.

I be visiting a great many strange lands in the days gone by. There be monster caves and strange serpents. You be thinking them to be old wives' tales, but believe you me, I not be lyin' here. Lookit for your own selves!



lukkydivz said...

somehow the pics took me back to ramayana :D dont ask me why :P

you call things we love -> strange fiction ;)

swati said...

the pics are as scary as your posts..well trains in india are meant to follow these setbacks or call it rules n regulations of a train journey..

Vinz said...


can we expect any fiction on those snaps u had posted..?

Preeti said...

oh i love long train journeys...and if the train is delayed better still...but only if the company is good or so funny that you can keep laughing at them all the time...

arrey if you didnt have anything to read is it that boy's fault...?
kyaaa hai...?

and please jaldi ... about time strange fiction rolls in...

like Vampire Lestat says in Queen of the Damned - MORE!!!

PS: love the way he rolls the r...

Hiren said...

aye aye captain !!! lawkin fourwad to yawr neexat post ..

Che said...

Somethings you can only find ins smaller cities. Its an experience Mumbai or Delhi can never give you.

I still remember the way festivals are celebrated in Lucknow. Mumbai cant hold candle to it.

Disguise said...

Love your blog :)

Ratzzz said...

:P u r in India

* if someone sits on ur reserved berth and says u to adjust...
* if u find urself surrounded by orange pips and peels...

and many more.....

Unknown said...

This one time, I was, like 10 years old, then my mom took me, to uh, a Ganesh Chaturthi stall, and then there was this like, huge snake's mouth, and we, like, entered it, and then we felt like we were in its stomach 'cos all the walls were painted pink, you know, and then we climbed through to the top and emerged out to see this magnificent Shiva Face wrapped by a snake on the neck... and then I thought, where did we come out from?!

There you go, my attempt at dumb-hillbilly-speak! :P

deepsat said...

LOL!! amazing realization of being in india!! those cooks didn't get on the train?? they must hav caught the wrong train then!! ;-))

hav fun!!

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Good post budd...... am missing your short stories though!

Hope to see some soon!



WarmSunshine said...

i would love to visit india someday...
there's something i just have to like abt india... dunno how to put it in words, probably cz i had a frnd from kolkata who was really really sweet... he mad eme like india better :)

Anwesa said...

ya,its india man!!here,only God knos wats gonna happen next..

Anonymous said...

hahaha... so much money and so much time for the travel...

Anurag said...

lollzz the india thing is right..

and what are those "strange lands" ??

Jigyasa said...

So you almost waited for a day....kool!!

I will be looking fwd to read the remaining part....bcoz the reader starts enjoying your post.....thr it comes


Pooja said...

well said abt d trains in india...:D

Akshaya Kamalnath said...

So now the pirates are raiding the lost Indian tresures everyone keeps harping about?
Thats why the land is cursing us back with delayed trains and starvation.
Very stilyish pirate language I must say!

Neo said...

seems u had a typical train ride.
waiting for more..

Sarath said...

ahoy, captain, welcome back to the land of bloggin.. Expecting a strange tale from you soon

Illeen said...

lol..looking forward to ur stories..
and i forgot to add on my post the delays.. the distance from kgp to kol was covered in 5 long hours..phew!

where are these pics taken anyway?

Wandering Minstrel said...

ah! nostalgia :)

Cяystal said...

Oh crap yaar :(
I lost so many blog URLs..isiliye i wuzn here for a long time :(
I thought you deleted yr blog or something..bt thnk God you havn ;)

goood work agn,bro :D

Anonymous said...

I love those photos :)

There is a street in my city named Delhi Street but it makes me mad - its pronounced "del - high" and it just feels wrong to me... I lived on it for years and its a tiny but nice little block. I wish I could go to India for real, its so pretty in photos!

AB said...

lovely pics... :)

Lookin forward to read more scary stuff.. come back soon!

Nomad said...

J'adore les pirates!!!!!

Swing some rum, will loosen the pirate's tongue Capn Jack.....

Avantika. said...

Our beautiful homeland.
With it's amusing sights and dysfunctional railway system.

You know you love it.

Saim said...

r dose pics of the jubilee park??
will wait for ur tales:)

Nomad said...

Awww, that make you so happy? Well then get ready for lots more to come!

I have not stopped writing, far far from it, I work at a sweatshop now producing crap 24/7 X 30, hence the blog suffers. There will be a dissertation on that eventually.

Sigh! C'est la vie. Tres tragique!

Cinderella said...

LOL !! The cooks dint board the train so you uys didnt get your food ?!!

Now I'm gonna be prepared while journeying next !!

THnx for this.


The Happy Human Jellyfish said...


Love the name. :D

HP said...

hmm .. interesting :P

Thresia said...

this is nice, and you got some nice stuff goin here....gonna be around for a while! :D

Wanderlust Scarlett said...


Glad that you made it home, matey!


Scarlett & Viaggiatore

Anonymous said...

250 bucks? Wow you got fleeced man! And I know because I'm 10 mins away from Kalkaji!

P.s. Nice snaps and love the pirate speak. :D

Trinaa said...

heyyyyyy..u were in jsr too? did u come to that circuit house puja pandal?? shit, i thought he was ur twin... err.. i thought it was u. green kurta?? a damn cute baby with u?? was it ? was it???

Urv said...

Hope you had a good time at home. Get back to writing soon. The ship needs its captain. Aye Aye savvy..

Anila said...

lovely picss..

and train journeyss.. hnnm lovely.. i love travellin in general.. but train journeys are the best.. u get to see so much.. and yet so different..

Sense's Lenses said...

what ARE those monstrosities? we have some of 'em down south as well. we call 'em NTR election cut-outs.

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