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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

A new beginning

A writer, during his lifetime, shall have many ends.

Each end will spell the culmination of a chapter in his life - an affliction, a period of happiness, the short sojourn of a love well spent. Each of these will leave small marks, dimples on a moon face, scarring it, disfiguring it for a lifetime. Each will tell their own remarkable tale of love, hate, angst, loneliness, boredom, intrigue, jealousy or plain heartbreak. But all of them would add up, fishes of a school, to become the same moon face that would be looked at and be wondered at by everyone gazing at it. How lovely is that moon that casts its light upon our vast, desolate lands! How, in spite of the marks upon your skin, you continue to be a beacon of beauty for bards to quote and poets to write of.  How corrupted yet fulfilling. How marked, yet virginal.

The writer shall rise from each end, borne upon the shoulders of his unfinished narratives and decaying, half-baked characters, a looming presence upon the horizon. He shall land upon the empty shores of white prose, and sow the seeds of new narratives. Marking plot after plot with his mighty pen, he shall continue demarcating small pastures for growing different tales. He shall then proceed to water it with the blood of creativity, the sweat of his diminishing wit and the tears of his failed attempts at literary glory.

And you, the reader shall be witness, yet again. The witness to this new beginning. A fresh sprout, the tender sapling of a newly forming story. A tale so tasty, so magical in imaginings that it shall make your flesh goose-up like a freshly dried-up lake bed.

Prepare, for the spring of stories is about to begin. Scribblers Inc is back.
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