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Monday, May 16, 2011

Another Brick In the Wall...

One year and one month ago, this blog had seen the first 
fruits of my writing endeavours; Cold Feet, my first book,
a collection of dark fiction shorts, had seen the light of the day.
The book got rave reviews from writers like Samit Basu(of Turbulence
and Gameworld Trilogy fame) and newspapers like Hindustan
Times, which carried a review of the book. Its time to lift the curtains
from my first Novelette and second book, REVENGE....

Options to order it coming soon. In case you want some particular detail about
this book or the previous one, feel free to contact me at insanemindfreak@gmail.com.
The Party, my dear friends, is now ON!!!! 

P.S.- The final part to Three Course shall be updated by tomorrow hopefully. Watch out
for that one as well! 


Aruna Iyer said...

When it's on Flipkart, im buying revenge B-)

Loved cold Feet and loving Three Course...hope to write as well someday...

And yes, i flatter :p

P.S. I wonder if you were sarcastic abt my "colourful" blog? :D

adrielleroyale said...

Look at you go! :)

سبحان الله said...

من الافضل اختيار مكان الجلوس بعيدا عن منافذ الهواء والابواب والشبابيك حتي تتجنبي الغبار المتطاير في الجو .

شركة تنظيف بالاحساء
ازيلي الغبار اولا عن الكنب ومن ثم امسحيه بالقماشه المبلوله فذلك سيمنع تكون طبقه كبيره من الغبار ويمكن ان تتحول الي طبقه غبار صعب ازالتها ويجب مراعاه عند ازاله الاتربه استخدام فرشاه او اداه ناعمه وذلك لمنع حدوث اي ضرر او تشوه للنسيج .
عند تنظيف الكنب بالماء او وقوع الماء عليه اتركيه يجف طبيعيا او استخدمي قطعه قماش قطنيه لامتصاص الماء او قومي بتسليط مكيف الهواء او المروحه عليه ليجف حتي لايتسرب الماء الي داخل النسيج ويتسبب في تعفن النسيج .

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